Chartist Bar Labels Demo

A simple Chartist plugin to put labels on top of bar charts. Options are at the bottom. Check out the project page too: YorkshireInteractive/chartist-bar-labels

You can download the demo and source here: Download.

Default usage

var chart1 = new Chartist.Bar('.ct-chart', {
  labels: ['Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May'],
  series: [
    [19, 15, 9, 13]
  height: 400,
  axisY: {
    onlyInteger: true
  plugins: [

Custom positioning and labeling usage

var chart2 = new Chartist.Bar('.ct-chart-2', {
  labels: ['% to Campaign Goal', '% to Prior Month', '% to Prior Year'],
  series: [
    [127, 211, 146]
}, {
  chartPadding: {
    right: 50
  height: 350,
  horizontalBars: true,
  reverseData: true,
  axisX: {
    labelInterpolationFnc: function(value) {
      return value + '%';
    onlyInteger: true,
  axisY: {
    offset: 135,
  plugins: [
      position: {
        x: function (data) {
          return data.x1 + 50
      labelOffset: {
        y: 7
      labelInterpolationFnc: function (text) {
        return text + '%'


labelClass (default: ct-bar-label)

The class name so you can style the text

labelInterpolationFnc (default: null)

Use this to get the text of the data and you can return your own formatted text. For example, for a percentage you could do this

 labelInterpolationFnc: function (text) { return text + '%' }

labelOffset.x (default: 0) and labelOffset.y (default: 0)

Depending on your font size you may need to tweak these. This will nudge the labels by the amount of pixels given.

position.x (default: null) and position.y (default: null)

If labelOffset doesn't work for you and you need more custom positioning you can use this. You can set position.x and position.y to functions and instead of centering + labelOffset. This will completely override the built in positioning so labelOffset will no longer do anything. It will pass the bar data back as the first param. Example:

  position: {
    x: function (data) {
      return data.x1 + 50; // align left with 50px of padding



To build simply run npm install and then npm run start. That will build the files and put them in /build.

How it works

The demo site is all built from the src/ file and the layouts/default.html file. Even the repo's file is built from the src/ file. We use Metalsmith to build the files and how it works is: src/ is parsed into HTML and then put into the layouts/default.html file by replacing the {{{ contents }}} tag. All other files in /src are moved into /build. It also takes the src/ and removes the header section with the page meta data and puts it in the top level directory for the project.

NOTE: Metalsmith requires Node >0.12


To deploy you must have push access to the remote set in your .git directory. To deploy your files just run npm run deploy. This runs npm install, goes into the build folder, removes and creates a git repo and then commits all the files inside and force pushes to the gh-pages branch.

an open source project by Yorkshire Interactive